Company for the Elderly

Portrait of middle aged woman lovingly caring for her elderly fa

Company and friendship

Beating loneliness

  • Loneliness is an unpleasant and emotional experience that none of us want to feel. A lack of interaction and the ability to engage in conversation with other people can cause a person to feel isolated. It is estimated that over 4 million people in the older generation within the UK are experiencing loneliness.

    Of course perceptions of loneliness vary from person to person, some people may be surrounded by friends and family and still feel loneliness due to feeling that nobody understands how certain medical problems have changed them or make them feel. Our team at EMCAS have worked closely with a wide range of patient groups and have understanding of a variety of health conditions meaning we are able empathise with you or your loved one.

    EMCAS team are always friendly, cheerful, and like to build close-knit family orientated friendships with our service users. In some areas we aim to introduce a pop-in companionship service in-between our carers visits. This is where a member of our community team will call in for 5-10 minutes just to have a chat and a good old cup of tea to break up the day for you or your loved one.

    If you, or somebody you know who is not actively being cared for by EMCAS may benefit from our companionship service give us a call and we may be able to offer some help or advice.
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